Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Fanfiction Updates!!

Ok as the people of fanfiction know I have to now do my story updates on my blog thanks to my school who blocked Fanficiton from their program. Ok now here are the latest stories:
"Unlock My Heart" - This story is going to temporarily be on hold for now. I'm tyring to get down the story plot.
*New Story* - "The Passion of a Yautja" - This story's title is being debated on and is probably not going to be changed some time in the near future. But I know it is going to be really good. I don't know about how the people of fanfiction are going to like it, but i do.
The Chronicles of Riddick
"Love With A Vengeance" - This story is going to sit around until I come up with a good plot for the next chapter. And people in that forum seem to be a little more austere about what goes up there. So it's gonna be a while.
Well everybody there you go this is the updates for my stories for now until my school can unblock fanfiction from their program. See ya!! Ta ta ^-^

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